Thursday, September 27, 2007

A few lessons learnt

Lessons learnt in the Design Yatra, presented in the Goaing, going, gone way. But this must have some witty comment to prove how smart I am. The thoughts within quotes aren't mine, the hyphenated ones aren't either. But just because I'm nice, it's getting credit here.

"Everything I do always comes back to me"
- Life must be a boomerang

"Trying to look good limits my life"
- Hobos are in

"Everybody thinks they are right"
- Lefties feel so left out

"Helping other people helps me"
- Two helpings of each then

"Over time I get used to everything and take it for granted"
- Try living in a vacuum

"Complaining is silly - either I act or I forget"
- This must be for whining and dining

"Worrying solves nothing"
- I'm tensed about the outcome of this statement

"Everybody who is honest is interesting"
- Dishonest people are interesting too. Check their bank balances.

"Assuming is stifling"
- Oxygen is a lack of assumptions?

"Material luxuries are best enjoyed in small doses"
- Bring out the caviar and Coney Island people

"Thinking life will be better in the future is stupid - I have to live now"
- Yeah, 4 feet of water is so conducive to the good life

"Being not truthful works against me"
- Umm... about the money... er.. forget it. Nothing!

"Money does not make me happy"
- Something else does, but we're civilized here

"Having guts always works out for me"
- Chicken guts works out too

"Low expectations are a good strategy"
- I should have learnt this for my maths exam

"Actually doing the thing I set out to do increases my overall level of satisfaction"
- Civilized society, civilized society, civilized society...

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act"
- Move over Guevara, Egoman is here

"The only thing you really have is what you give away"
- Nobody look at my commode

"Tom Cruise doesn't like the colour Red"
- And that's why the Mission: Impossible text is blue tinted

in fine print: Stefan Sagmeister
Neville Brody
Wally Orlins
Michael Johnson
Kyle Cooper


dreamy said...

Lesson learnt.

Most importantly, my life IS a boomerang.

Anonymous said...

good observation on all the speakers.

insanerambler said...

something else, something smaller than the whole, but... transitivity isn't only for the mathematician.

Unknown said...

Good creativity - unleashed :)

Sandil said...

"Money does not make me happy"
- Something else does, but we're civilized here

c'est la vie

Dyaus Spes said...

"Money does not make me happy"
- Something else does, but we're civilized here

The text after hyphen is not surely elaborated by Bill Clinton.

causticji said...

Am assuming you chose, for some reason known maybe to the regulars, to lie about the text following the hyphens.

If my assumption is correct - nice. quite a few really funny ones.

PS: I'm still breathing.

Karthik Balasubramanian said...

"Everybody who is honest is interesting"
- Dishonest people are interesting too. Check their bank balances.

ARK.. ARK.. I salute you..

JD said...

And this is goaing. Goaing to the classic archives. Campus-related fiascos not mentioned? ;-)

Sreethi said...

Entered your blogosphere after a looong time...this one is just good observation with too good creativity dude...keep it flowing...

Sreethi said...

Oh by the way...I didnt know you had attended design bosses were there! ;)